7th Grade Pre-Algebra and 8th Grade and High School Algebra
Resources for Practice


Lincoln Charter School
8th Grade Algebra Assignments
Pre-Algebra Assignments
6th Grade Assignments
High School Algebra
Resources for Practice

Male grade school student at blackboard


Glencoe, the publisher of our Algebra and Pre-Algebra text books, offers lots of on-line practice for students.  Each chapter and section in the text book has a corresponding quiz, extra practice and also a chapter review selection.  The site even has a parent-student sections.   This can be a valuable resource for extra pratice and study.

Math.com offer great resources in an easy to use fromat with step by step instructions.  If you need extra practice edhelper has lots.  It allows you to choose worksheets by grade and/or by subject.  If you enter your e-mail address it will send you the answers.  And its all free!  I also recommend checking out the other sites listed below.

Edhelper worksheets

If you have any question please e-mail: